estimate_expression( run_accession, sra_fname, is_paired, results_dir, logs_dir, work_dir, reference_genome_path, fastq_dump_program, rsem_calculate_expression_program, bowtie2_path, n_threads = 1 )
run_accession | identifier for exprsesion run |
sra_fname | path to .sra file for the run |
is_paired | is it paired end read expression data? |
results_dir | path where the results should be stored |
logs_dir | path where the logs should be stored |
work_dir | path where intermediate data should be stored |
reference_genome_path | path to reference genome |
fastq_dump_program | path to fastq_dump |
rsem_calculate_expression_program | path to rsem-calculate-expression |
tag <- "20201209" estimate_expression( run_accession = "SRR513613", sra_fname = "/scratch/maom_root/maom99/maom/CryptoCEN/sra/SRR513613/SRR513613.sra", is_paired = TRUE, results_dir = "intermediate_data/estimated_expression_20201209", results_dir = "intermediate_data/estimated_expression_20201209/logs", work_dir = "/scratch/maom_root/maom99/maom/CryptoCEN/estimated_expression_20201209", reference_genome_path = "/scratch/maom_root/maom99/maom/CryptoCEN/reference_geneome", fastq_dump_program = "