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Creating initial values for an agonist sigmoid model parameters that can be passed to the sigmoid_model() along with the sigmoid_antagonist_formula() and sigmoid_antagonist_prior().


  ic50 = function() stats::runif(n = 1, min = -7, max = -5),
  hill = function() stats::runif(n = 1, min = -1.2, max = -0.8),
  top = function() stats::runif(n = 1, min = 0.8, max = 1.2),
  bottom = function() stats::runif(n = 1, min = -0.2, max = 0.2),



numeric or numeric returning function units of the treatment. If the treatment is log_dose, the default value of -6 corresponds 1e-6 molar = 1 μM


numeric or numeric returning function with units response/log_dose


numeric or numeric returning function in units of the response


numeric or numeric returning function in units of the response


additional parameter initialization. Each named argument should be a function that returns an numeric array of length 1, see rstan_default_init() to use the rstan default init.


input for [brm][brms::brm](init = ...)


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Consider an inhibitor that has a min response around 50%, IC50 is estimated
# to be around 1 nM, maximum response is known to be around 1,
init <- BayesPharma::sigmoid_antagonist_init(
  ec50 = -9,
  bottom = 0.5)

# By default rstan initializes unspecified initial values to be uniformly at
# random in the range (-2, 2) on the unconstrained scale. For the default
# distributional response, family=gaussian(), the shape parameter sigma' is
# bounded below by zero through this transformation Y = log(X - 0). So, to
# explicitly give the default initialization for 'sigma', we can use
init <- BayesPharma::sigmoid_antagonist_init(
  sigma = BayesPharma::rstan_default_init(lb = 0))
} # }